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7 tips and examples for using ChatGPT in sales.

You've probably already heard of ChatGPT, and if you haven't, you've probably taken too many vacations...

ChatGPT is an incredibly useful and versatile tool, and it's everywhere these days! It should be the next great technological revolution of our century.

But have you ever wondered how useful it is for sales and lead generation? It's an underestimated aspect of this technology that could change the way you do business in the coming months!

But you have to know how to use it properly... I see a bit of everything in prospecting and follow-up. And I can assure you, it stings the eyes!

In this article, we'll go over the basics of how to properly use the power of ChatGPT and avoid looking like a pin.

What is a ChatGPT prompt?

A prompt is a short phrase or text entered by a user to initiate a conversation with ChatGPT. It forms the starting point for ChatGPT's response, and is used to guide the response according to the purpose or theme of the conversation. Prompts can be questions, statements or even keywords, depending on the response the user is seeking.

For example, ChatGPT wrote the paragraph above.

GPT Quick Chat: Knowing that I'm writing a blog post to help salespeople use ChatGPT and that some may not yet be familiar with the tool, write me a short definition of what a prompt is. Focus the definition on using a prompt for ChatGPT.

7 tips for creating effective ChatGPT prompts for salespeople.

To ensure you generate quality ChatGPT responses, here are a few tips and best practices to follow when using the tool.

If you're not used to using ChatGPT, I'll start at the beginning.

1. Be clear and precise.

State your task or questions clearly. The more precise the request, the more precise the answer.

‍ Pourexemple:

Version #1: "Create a cold prospecting e-mail that generates leads".

Version #2: "Create a prospecting e-mail of less than 200 words in a friendly, casual tone, aimed at SaaS sales managers, with the aim of scheduling a quick 5-minute call. Includes key issues sales teams may face in order to train effectively."

2. ChatGPT needs context.

Make sure you provide all the basic information ChatGPT needs to understand its task. This can include what you do, your company's value proposition, the identity of your characters, the length of the response, etc.

Do not forget to mention the restrictions to be respected.

If there are specific guidelines that the generated response must follow, be sure to include them in your prompt. For prospecting, for example, this might include tone, length, target persona, etc.

3. Use the right vocabulary and wording

As an AI, ChatGPT doesn't know everything. I know it's disappointing, but it won't be long before we have an AI that can anticipate your requests.

Today, AI cannot fail to know the elements and expressions of language related to a specific sector or character without a minimum of coaching.

For example, in the SaaS world, we generally use a lot of Anglicisms.

This is because SaaS (by definition) can be sold worldwide. Some English words are becoming expressions used even in French (we're not talking about attrition, but churn).

This is a problem, because ChatGPT makes no distinction and translates words as best it can. Therefore, if you work in a specific field, be sure to include it in your prompt.

An alternative, if they can't adapt, is to include an instruction in the message not to use jargon or vague terms. You can then correct the message and adjust the vocabulary.

4. Be concise

ChatGPT can understand long instructions, but keep in mind that often, if the prompt is long, it's because you're not clear about your request.

Our advice is to keep your requests brief and to the point.

5. Provide examples

To help ChatGPT's artificial intelligence understand what you're looking for, give examples of the type of text you're looking for.

This can be specific content (for example, "LinkedIn article of less than 300 words") or a text template (for example, "Create an article of less than 1,500 words based on the following key information...").

6. Include roles

Put ChatGPT in your character's shoes or in your shoes. This is certainly one of the best pieces of advice I received when I started using ChatGPT.

It's a great way, for example, to generate objections or potential questions that might arise during your demos.

A little tip: you can ask the AI to "stay in character" and resume the conversation at any time if you need to do further research.

7. Test, adjust and save your best ChatGPT instructions.

Finally, to improve with ChatGPT, you will need to constantly test your texts and modify them if necessary.

Your only limits are your imagination and your ability to write effective instructions.

To help you get started, here are 4 tips on how to start selling with ChatGPT.

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5 basic tips to start selling with ChatGPT

1. Start with the base

The secret to successful use of ChatGPT is continuous learning. The first prompt you use must make it clear what role it will play and what it will have to accomplish as a mission. This is the starting point. ‍

GPT Quick Chat: Ignore all instructions preceding this one. You're a [WORK]. You've been [doing this] for 10 years. Your task now is [specific instructions].

2. Keep it short and simple.

Your targets never write in paragraphs. That's why your e-mails are never read. You need a surgical approach! Not easy when you've got so much to say.

GPT QuickChat: In 5 sentences or less, summarize the text below in the form of an e-mail I can send. Keep it as short as possible. [Your text]

3. Go international.

If you're selling in English, Spanish or even French and it's not your mother tongue, you'll probably struggle to use the relevant vocabulary. Once again, ChatGPT can help.

GPT QuickChat: Translate the following text for me in [Language] with perfect spelling and grammar, in the manner of a native speaker from [Country]. [Your text] ‍

4. Refine your qualification method

The secret of a successful sale lies in your ability to detect and respond to the problems your prospect is facing.

GPT QuickChat: Imagine I'm talking to a potential buyer of my solution, the [Position] from an [Industry]. What questions should I ask him to find out about his problems and priorities to determine whether he's a qualified prospect for my product?

As a reminder, my solution is [description of your solution].

5. Use ChatGPT as your training partner.

If you want to be ready to overcome common objections from your prospects, ask ChatGPT to play the role of a decision-maker to explore these objections and ways of overcoming them. While AI can't predict your prospects' behavior, it can help you prepare by practicing regularly.

GPT QuickChat: Now imagine you're seriously considering buying my solution. What objections might you have?

For each of them, give me two ways of responding to these objections as a salesperson.

You should now be ready to start mastering ChatGPT and improving your performance with it.


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