Boost your sales success with Modjo Deals

Gain insights, track every deal and optimize your sales execution with AI-powered analytics.

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Screenshot of Modjo's Deal dashboard

It's a huge time-saver, giving managers a much clearer view of opportunities. It's absolutely fantastic!

Profile picture of Alexa Lacroix

Alexa Lacroix

Stragic Advisor @Neobrain

Modjo deals

Gain complete visibility of your sales pipeline

Monitor the progress of each opportunity in real time and stay alert with a clear overview of your sales opportunities.

Mockup of Modjo's dashboard
Modjo deals

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your opportunities

Modjo Deals analyzes every interaction to provide you with key insights and optimize your opportunity management.

Mockup of Modjo's dashboard
Modjo deals

Simplify opportunity management with AI

Modjo Deals provides actionable data from all conversations (calls, video conferences, emails...) to help you fine-tune your opportunity management, guaranteeing higher conversion rates.

Mockup of Modjo's dashboard
Modjo deals

Help your managers coach your sales force

Modjo Deals connects to your CRM to provide your managers with insights to help salespeople advance
each opportunity more quickly
(qualification, disqualification...).

Mockup of Modjo's dashboard
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Eimar Stakelum

Account Executive


I save 30 minutes after each customer meeting thanks to Modjo's AI, which summarizes my meetings and automatically fills in the fields in my CRM.


Minutes saved after each meeting

Fabien Nahum

Director of Performance and Operations


Thanks to Modjo, the time spent evaluating a conversation has been cut in half, from 15 to 7 minutes.


Time spent evaluating a conversation

Simon Bibas

Head of Intern Sales


The solution allows me to align everyone's performance with that of the best sales people on the team. Whether during integration or ongoing training, Modjo has become essential for Planity's sales teams.


Time to upgrade skills

Victor Boisnard

Sales Manager


Modjo has completely changed the way we coach our teams! We now have a factual analysis of what our best sales people are doing, and a way of easily replicating it with the rest of the team.


On our conversion rate in 4 months

Fanny Lemaistre

Team Lead AM


Each member of my team earns 4 hours a week. Modjo helps them focus on their main task, which is selling.


Earned per week

Yann Goujon

Director of Operations


The first benefit we've noticed since implementing Modjo is the improved performance of our customer-facing teams, with conversion rates doubling.


On the conversion rate


What are the prerequisites for making full use of Modjo Deals?

Currently, only two CRMs are supported: Salesforce and HubSpot. Your teams also need to use your CRM's "opportunity" object to synchronize information.

What's the difference with CRM?

Modjo Deals complements the information in your CRM by analyzing the content of your customer conversations using AI. Modjo Deals' various functionalities enable you to take advantage of all these conversations through alerts, automatic analysis of objections or a chat where you can ask any question you like!

What language can I use Ask Anything in?

Any language! And the AI will respond in the language you use.

Try our AI platform to transform yourself
your team's productivity now!

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Screenshot of Modjo's Deal dashboard