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Cut new sales rep induction time in half with Modjo!

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Today, Indy's sales people make their first appointments after just 3 days, compared with over a week before using Modjo. The tool has enabled us to structure and simplify team coaching to accelerate skills development.

What's your role at Indy?

I started out as a salesman at Indy. It's kind of funny because before managing the Modjo project, I started as a user and since February I've joined the Sales Ops team.

The tasks of this new position are quite broad, but I'm mainly concentrating on tool management and analysis. The idea is to enable sales to benefit from the best possible workflow. My aim is to enable them to concentrate fully on their business and improve on a daily basis.

For me, it was necessary to take on a sales position before moving on to sales operations. Going through the sales phase allowed me to learn the processes and use the tools as a primary user.

Can you introduce me to Indy?

Indy is software that helps companies with their accounting. We'll help you manage your accounting from A to Z. The idea is to enable everyone to do their accounting in just a few hours a year. It's a fast-moving world. Our target market is the paramedical sector, although we are now addressing all professions.

The workforce has grown considerably since my arrival, when we were just 50. The number of employees has now tripled to over 150. The sales team is made up of 24 people, and we welcomed a class of 13 at the beginning of May. We'll almost double in size by 2021.

We have chosen to recruit almost the entire new class at the beginning of the year, so that the rest of the year can be devoted to training and reinforcing the team's skills.

How have you structured your sales team?

At sales team level, two managers support the teams and 4 coaches are responsible for training sales staff in the field. We have also created a "sales excellence" team, which will be responsible for the ongoing training and integration of new employees.

To be clear, the difference between the coach and sales excellence lies in the fact that the coach will remain in contact with the field, as he will continue to make appointments and manage his offers.

The Sales Excellence team will devote all its time to training and coaching newcomers. We created this team because we wanted everyone to come to Indy with the same grounding, and for best practices to be shared across all teams.

A little special feature: at Indy, when you arrive on the sales side, you have to go through the SDR stage for 3 months before moving on to a sales development or sales-related position.

For 2021, a new organization has been put in place within the sales team. Usually, the SDRs were part of a separate team from the business development team, making appointments which were then sent to the sales developers.

Today, in order to create greater synergy between the business developer and SDR teams, we have decided to create mixed teams, with a dedicated coach for each.

How did you work on coaching before Modjo, and why did you choose our solution?

Before Modjo, we were already used to replaying calls, except that we spent a lot of time finding the right exchanges and didn't really know which ones to select. To explain, we had a very good player who was really above the rest, and we wanted to understand how he could make the difference.

It kind of came from there. We started listening to his calls and sharing them. The problem we encountered was that doing so via our telephone operator was not at all simple and intuitive.

It was in response to this problem that we decided to equip ourselves with a solution such as Modjo, which offers us much more than simple call replay. Equipping our teams with Modjo not only facilitated replay, but also simplified communication and information sharing between salespeople, managers, coaches and sales excellence.

The tool enables us to better target the coaching we want to set up, as we can now select calls to listen to by subject, offer status or via a specific keyword. We're really gaining in relevance and efficiency.

How do you use Modjo in sales operations and sales excellence?

To maximize Modjo's impact at Indy, we've put together an action plan for 2021 with Léa (Modjo's super account manager) and Margaux from the commercial excellence team.

Generally speaking, this means supporting the sales staff so that they are involved in the development of the whole team. For example, they should do 3 re-listens a week and post 3 comments to discuss the "low points" and super-positives of the last few days.

As far as my use as a Sales Ops is concerned, on the one hand I'll be looking mainly at the analytics provided by Modjo to understand how sales reps use the tool, and on the other hand I'll be analyzing "topics" (conversational subjects automatically highlighted by conversational intelligence in calls) to understand which sales scripts make the difference with our prospects.

Margaux, who manages the Modjo project for sales excellence, will listen to calls again, support new arrivals during induction, feed the call library and coach, via Modjo, salespeople when they have questions or problems.

In terms of coaching, we've added a Modjo component to the one-to-one meetings. Very often, coaches use the calls to suggest best practices and help teams progress.

How do salespeople use Modjo in the field?

As a former salesman and field user, I have a wealth of knowledge.

First of all, as soon as a salesperson makes a good call or gives a good demonstration, he or she shares the call by tagging his or her team and coach, so that everyone can benefit from the best practices. It's the same principle when someone encounters difficulties, they'll ask for advice directly on the call by mentioning their coach. They'll then be able to receive super-relevant advice directly linked to the call they've just made, so they can make progress.

The idea is either:

  • "Listen, I handled this offer very well by closing it when it wasn't hot at all, I'm sharing it with you."
  • "I'm struggling with this objection, do you have any tips on how to better respond?"

Another important case is to be able to listen to calls before a demonstration. If the prospect had given a lot of information that wasn't necessarily integrated into the CRM, I'll be able to listen back to the discovery call to get all the information that will help me close the deal.

Sales people use Modjo mainly asynchronously. They will create discussions within the tool, in the same way as a Slack thread for example, to add value to the various interactions.

Could you do without Modjo now?

Clearly, there was no turning back. Modjo really helped us to understand the practices of the best players and to reproduce them with the rest of the team.

In terms of integration, this is also a considerable advantage. Even before they pick up the phone, they already know the best sales scripts and how to respond to objections, for example.

"We've cut the integration time in half. They make their first appointments as early as the Thursday of the integration week, compared with over a week before Modjo."

Thanks to the call library, they have the right interactions to listen to again and again. They can concentrate on the important points of the training and get up and running much more quickly.

Even for senior salespeople, this has become a must. If you're ever in doubt or have difficulty on a particular point, simply go to the call library to find best practices and overcome the obstacle.

"It's clear that Modjo is a must-have, it makes a lot of things easier and solves a lot of problems."

Struggling salespeople have a lot to learn and progress very quickly.

It has also become a major tool for the recruitment team. When making business cases, they use Modjo to listen again and structure decision-making.

The tool enables better monitoring of recruitments, sharing of conversations and faster decision-making. Now, thanks to remote recruitment, they save a lot of time with Modjo.

Do you have a funny anecdote to share?

When I was in sales, I sometimes found it hard to get back into the swing of things in the morning. So, to motivate myself, I'd take 30 minutes to listen to a few calls, either my own or those of the top players. It immediately got me back in the saddle, and I was able to start my day fully charged! A real coaching tool!

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Martin Dambrine

Sales Operations

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