Commercial efficiency

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5 data-driven tips for turning "no" into "yes

This is one of the most difficult exercises for new salespeople.

It's also a subject I'm personally passionate about.

And that's the basis of sales.

If you want to convince those who don't want to be convinced, pay attention to the following.

There are several types of "no".

For further reading, I recommend Robert Cialdini's Persuasion.

Beware! This is generally the kind of book that will take you to another level.

Turning a "no" into a "yes

For many, "no" is synonymous with failure, rejection and conflict.

Yet salespeople can't be afraid of the word "no".

You'll encounter them throughout your career. That's why the sales profession exists.

"Don't take no for an answer. "

Sir Winston Churchill

Your prospects will tend to say "no" more than "yes".

It's less engaging. They protect themselves.

So ask your questions differently to get "no's" to mean "yes's".

"Today, I understand that you don't have a solution for managing your sales reps' progress.

" I also understand that it takes an average of 3 months for your sales reps to be properly trained."

" Would you like to do better?
or is this not a priority for you?? "

This is an example we see at Modjo, but you get the idea.

By phrasing the question differently, you turn "no" into a positive action.

"No, indeed, we can always do better but..."


Clearly, you haven't convinced your prospect yet, but you're paving the way for him to say "yes" later.

A "no" is not necessarily negative.

Of the 160,000 conversations we analyzed, the most qualified salespeople received as much as the least trained.

Win the trust of your interlocutors with "no".

Most prospects distrust salespeople. You have to earn their trust.

"The best salespeople are those who convince you without giving the impression that they're trying to convince you. They make you forget they're salespeople."

From zero to one - Peter Thiel

Avoid using tried-and-tested forms of politeness.

It's not convincing, and it increases your audience's distrust.

Communicate simply and gain your prospects' trust

The more they trust you, the more they can listen to what you have to say and take the next step.

To earn your prospects' trust. Stop having an answer for everything. Stop saying yes to everything.

Solve your product's weak points yourself. Don't be afraid to say "no".

Less-qualified salesperson.

"Yes, of course, we plan to release this feature, it should arrive within a few months of your signature".

Qualified salesperson :

"No, we don't have that functionality and, to be honest, we have no plans to do so in the short term.

Challenge: What do you say if your prospect asks, "Is your product of good quality?"

It must be in one sentence.

I look forward to receiving your reply by e-mail:

Rephrase their answers

In sales, this is called mirroring.

It may be that your prospect doesn't really mean what he's saying and is simply trying to end the conversation.

A strong signal that they don't yet trust you.

Let them know that their objection may not make sense.

Some of us will be uncomfortable with this practice.

You'll be surprised at how effective mirroring can be, especially if you listen to your prospect without interrupting.

Focus on what they're saying. Encourage them to talk. Create an atmosphere of trust.
Don't try to interrupt them to discuss your product or service.

Ask the right questions to understand the hidden objection.

When a prospect says no to you, sometimes that doesn't mean no.

To turn a "no" into a "yes", you need to understand the prospect's real objection.

Always respond positively and professionally.

Try to understand if your prospect is really thinking "no", or if they're hiding important information from you.

"No" is never the end of your story with the prospect.

He may have misunderstood a key point of your product.

Be aware that the following elements can have a significant (positive) impact on your results.

It takes practice and preparation.


"I'll think about it and get back to you".

An untrained salesperson:

"OK, no problem, I'll wait for your feedback".

A trained salesperson:
"OK, I understand"

"To be totally transparent"

"With experience, I know that when I'm refused the next step"

"It's either that there's no interest and I reassure you, that's no problem".

" Or there is an interest but I haven't totally convinced you."
In which case are we?"

‍ "Uh... yes indeed, the problem is that (real objection)"

If you have any doubts, you can also try :

"What would prevent us from working together?"

You'll find that few of your prospects can answer this question.

It demands honesty.

Detach yourself emotionally from the outcome

New salespeople are so afraid of "no" that they dare not be direct with their prospects.

Salespeople need to get used to hearing "no": it's part of the job.

When you start out, a simple "no" can plague you for days.

Selling is like playing sports: it hurts the first time.

Over time, you adapt, practice and get used to it.

You end up loving the pain.

Good luck!