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6 key characteristics of an effective response to sales objections in 2024

Let's not kid ourselves.

Whether you're good at it or not, a sales objection is never pleasant.

We could do without it.

While an objection can be a nightmare for the average salesperson, the best use it to gain the other person's trust.

It is impossible to succeed in a sales career without knowing how to handle

Yet few people train to cope with the most common ones.

With negotiation, it's sales skills that make the difference.

Dealing with sales objections is an art. Here are a few tips.

Ask the right question

The worst thing you can do is rush to respond immediately.

One sales objection can hide another: start by making sure you understand your prospect.

Ideally, rephrase the prospect's question: "When you say it's expensive, that means you're afraid it won't be profitable, right?

Challenge every sales objection!

Percentage of objections followed by a question

Stay calm

When you panic, you give your prospect the impression that you're feverish and that they'retouching a nerve.

In "One Call Closing", one of my favorite sales books, "Chapter on Sales Objections", Claude Whitacre, then a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman (sounds dreamy), tells us:

"Whatever sales objections you encounter, stay calm. Act as if you were being asked a simple question.

You'll soon understand:

Salespeople who have all the answers lose the trust of their contacts. It's suspicious.

Example of a sales objection:

Prospect: "I'm not sure, is your product of good quality?"

Average salesperson: "Of course! You won't find anything better on the market".

The best answer is "I'm tempted to say yes, but to be perfectly honest, it depends on how you use it".

You obviously have in mind the use your prospect will make of your product, and you're quite certain that it will suit him.

When you encounter a sales objection.

Even if you have the answer.

Take time to think before giving your answer. It always sounds more serious.

Average time observed before responding to an objection

Don't engage in long monologues

You've taken the time to think about your answer. This will enable you to be concise.

Average time of monologue when faced with an objection

You'll need to make your prospect understand that you're used to dealing with this type of problem for your customers.

The longer your answer, the more you give the impression that you're justifying yourself and that you're not convinced by your answer.

Chapter sales objection: closing a call.

The best answers to objections are those that get to the point.

Household tip: even if you're faced with an objection you're not ready for, and your response isn't convincing, you should still be able to answer it.

Force yourself to stop and hold your prospect's gaze. Don't look like you're doing anything.

Even if it means engaging in a longer exchange with the prospect.

Maintaining a high level of interaction

Your conversation should proceed as follows:

Example of the type of call to be made with a high level of interaction

Organize a conversation. Build the exchange. Your prospect tells you about his latest bookings, and you answer with more questions.

Number of caller changes in 1 minute in a call

Be sure to close

Make sure you've answered the objection correctly.

"Have I answered your question correctly?

Beware, learn to identify hidden sales objections.

At the end of the meeting, some prospects will say "very well, thank you very much for the demonstration, we'll take some time to think about it".

They don't dare say "no" to you.

You feel it and you know it.

But we salespeople don't like conflict, so we say "great" with our best smile.

This is extremely important.

Know what's real and what's not: there are hidden sales objections.

If your prospect replies "it's much clearer", you're in a good position to close.


To respond to an objection, apply the tips above:

  • Ask questions to find out more and get as much information as possible before answering.
  • Whatever happens, stay calm and avoid giving the impression that you have all the answers.
  • The shorter the answers, the better. They're straight to the point.

Ideally, you can turn the exchange into a simple conversation.

The best can do it, so why can't you?
