Learn more about Modjo

A team driven by performance and productivity

At Modjo, we imagine more efficient and productive businesses thanks to the AI we deploy in our platform and your work routines.
People chatting in an office


Office cafeteria
Two people talking in a couch




Customers in Europe
People working in office
People typing in office desk

At Modjo, we envision more customer-centric businesses

Our vision is to build a company that fosters the long-term success and growth of European businesses of all sizes, whether they are SMEs, mid-sized or large companies.

At Modjo, we envision more customer-centric companies with more information and high-quality data about customers and prospects.

Aliénor and Mohamed discuss the next modjo feature
modjo's three co-founders Paul berloty, Come hug de larauze and matthieu de la fourniere

Transforming sales organisations and becoming the European leader in conversational intelligence.

For too long, sales teams have relied on misinformation about their prospects and customers to close deals.

Our mission is to change that.

We believe in our mission: to revolutionise the way sales teams are run. It's not just about the technology stack that supports their growth. It's about rethinking how salespeople are recruited, how long it takes them to sell their product, how they are trained and turned into machines.

Our management team

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Paul Berloty
Co-Founder & CEO
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Matthieu De La Fourniere
Co-Founder & CTO
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Sarah Bernadet
Chief of Staff & Head of Business Operations
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Cécile Galli
Chief Financial Officer
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Thierry Migayron
VP Sales
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Naëlle Hadji-Bormann
Head of Marketing & Growth
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Thomas Beylot
Chief Product Officer

Hey! We're recruiting

Modjo's greatest strength? His team!

Taking part in the Modjo adventure is an opportunity to join a talented, dynamic and passionate team at the heart of innovation.

Our offers
Jean and Adèle discussing modjo's next business objectives