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Sales forecasts: understand, prepare and avoid mistakes

Have you ever heard of sales forecasting? It's an indispensable tool if you want your sales team to be up and running, and if you don't want your pipeline review meetings to go round in circles. In today's sales landscape, it's like having a compass to help you navigate without getting lost and optimize your sales execution performance.

At Modjo, we'll show you how to become a professional sales forecaster. Together, we'll explore the best techniques for getting estimates right. We'll show you how effective planning can make all the difference, and how to avoid the classic pitfalls. Ready to become an excellent forecaster?

What is sales forecasting?

Sales forecasting is like our crystal ball in the business world. Basically, it allows us to play clairvoyant by anticipating how we'll fare in the future. How do we go about it? By digging into our old archives (historical data), checking out what's currently happening in the market and examining major economic trends. When it comes to forecasting sales, there's an art to it: we try to predict the future based on how we behave with our customers.

But don't confuse sales forecasts with demand forecasts. If we're playing Seven Differences, sales forecasting is the big visionary that looks at the big picture. For example, can we really manufacture everything we want to sell? Are there enough trucks to deliver everything? Demand forecasting, on the other hand, is more about flirting with what people might like to buy, without worrying about whether it's feasible or not.

And what can influence this famous sales forecast? Lots of things, like the latest fashion gadgets, changing customer tastes, competition between professionals, not to mention unexpected surprises like the Covid-19 pandemic. As you can see, it's no child's play, but that's what makes it so exciting!

The benefits of sales forecasting

In the hustle and bustle of the business world, guessing tomorrow's sales forecasts is our way of drawing cards. And why do we do this? To turn on the lights and pave the way to more money and success, of course! This little marvel helps us look into the crystal ball to build a future where our coffers will never rest, thanks to a solid strategy and a sales team that gives its best.

By mixing old files (data from the past, to be clear) with what's happening today, we can align our initiative arrows with the target (our sales and revenue objectives). As a result, sales forecasting isn't just a gadget: it's a real strategic Swiss army knife that boosts our performance and propels us upwards.

Improved decision-making

Sales forecasting is like having a super personal coach all to yourself. Ongoing training and a meticulous sales process are the secret to making your sales forecasts as accurate as Swiss clockwork. It gives us the superpower to spot those moments when we stray a little too far from our ambitions, hopes and real life.

And then, magic! The way you sell is transformed, making every decision extremely relevant. Imagine being able to adjust your target even before the first signs of "oops, we screwed up" appear. You adapt your live sales tactics to keep them on top.

With the right training and an easy-to-use sales method, sales forecasting literally becomes a magic wand: it enables us not only to see into the future, but also to shape the future to our advantage.

Reassuring investors

In today's economic casino, confidence is like the jackpot. Our sales figures and forecasts don't just draw rainbows for tomorrow. They show that we know what we're getting into, and that we have a plan of attack based on prudent strategic management.

For those who put their money where their mouth is, seeing our actual figures match our forecasts is like receiving a label of exceptional reliability and intelligence. It's a bit like saying that forecasts are a guarantee of reliability and competence. Even when the market is changing and our sector still has mountains to climb. What's more, it proves that we're good at guessing what customers will want tomorrow and what their needs are.

In short, it's our way of saying to investors: "With us, your investment is concrete. We know how to grow it, whatever the weather."

Better prepare for off-peak periods

With a good head start on sales, the notorious market fluctuations are no longer likely to cause us to lose our eyes. No more stress: we know what lies ahead, and we already have our action plan for dealing with it. Forecasts are our navigational compass: they guide us in adjusting our advertising budget, ensuring that our stocks are always at the top, and avoiding production shortages.

When the wind changes and demand drops, we're already in "opportunity" mode, thanks to our strategic planning. Market ups and downs? That's only a small part of our strategy.

With a sales forecasting process, market fluctuations become mere bends in the road.

And when customers are shy, our forecasts enable us to turn obstacles into stepping stones, thanks to strategic planning and a small step forward. This major asset makes us pros at adapting, ready to dance in the rain of unpredictable times. In short, the company remains agile and adaptable, even in the most unpredictable times!

Improve budget planning

When it comes to budget planning, we mean business! Precision is the watchword. And that's where sales forecasts come in, like financial superheroes. Armed with a solid sales forecast, including sales forecasts, we ensure that every euro is spent wisely. In this way, the art of budgeting becomes a real science, aimed at finding the perfect balance to meet the needs of all branches of the company.

Now is the time to pull out all the stops: strategic investments in marketing, R&D and other crucial areas are being fine-tuned to stimulate growth and innovation.

With sales forecasts in our sights, we become professionals at assessing the impact of every penny spent and its return on investment, to ensure that our finances propel us towards long-term success.

Setting realistic goals

Is it possible to set sales targets that aren't just numbers thrown up in the air, but targets that are actually achievable? This is where it gets really serious. With conversion rates and other indicators of the same caliber, sales forecasting is elevated to a science.

With a healthy dose of analysis and solid data, we give ourselves the means to aim high while keeping our feet firmly on the ground. This strategy allows each team to feel stimulated by exciting challenges, which are always possible.

Stimulating team motivation

Sales forecasting is much more than boring numbers and graphs; it's a source of motivation for everyone. By integrating cutting-edge sales strategies and a reward system that hits the nail on the head, you can turn ambitious goals into tangible achievements. Sales contests, customized bonuses and victory parties aren't just dates on a calendar. They're not! All these elements are transformed into real engines of positive vibes and general enthusiasm for all teams.

Because let's face it: when everyone feels supported by clear rules and pushed forward by stimulating challenges, commitment and motivation soar. This blend of precision and hard-hitting sales tactics pushes teams to excel, improving their performance and efficiency throughout the process.

With this in mind, sales forecasting goes beyond a simple prediction game. It becomes a veritable muse for teams, propelling them to new heights of performance and playing a crucial role in the success of the company as a whole.

Preparing a sales forecast: the prerequisites

To build a solid sales planning strategy, it's not enough to follow the recipe to the letter; you need to intelligently combine global strategy and detailed analysis. And the time has come to bring out the heavy artillery with specialized tools designed to improve our sales forecasts. These little technological gems play a key role in deciphering the market and propelling us towards our sales target.

Know your company's sales procedures

The key to preparing a sales forecast? Identify your company's sales cycle from A to Z, from the first contact with a customer to the final point of sale. Each interaction is a piece of the puzzle which, when assembled, gives a complete picture of your sales performance. It's essential to understand not only each step in the process, but also the length of the sales cycle and the average time it takes to turn a prospect into a customer.

Having this detailed map in hand promises surgical precision in your sales forecasts, allowing you to play guessing games with true accuracy. With this data in your sights, you can convert every customer exchange into a value-added opportunity, constantly refining your tactics and anticipations for tomorrow.

Set clear sales targets

In the cut-throat world of sales, having ambitions is a bit like using super fuel to propel a company to the top. But without a clear roadmap, that same ambition can quickly turn into a grueling marathon rather than a resounding victory.

Setting sales targets that reflect reality is like finding the happy medium between dreaming big and keeping your feet on the ground. It's essential that these objectives are fully in line with what the company can actually afford and what the future of sales seems to promise, charting a course to success that's as challenging as possible.

By playing this card, each sales objective becomes a reflection of the organization's measured ambition and firm commitment to achieving the desired results for future sales.

Using sales pipeline data

The sales pipeline is at the heart of our sales forecasts, which are based on solid, concrete facts. It is the pillar on which we base our sales strategies and forecasting methods.

Analyzing this pipeline to extract nuggets of information is like taking an X-ray of our future success. The conversion rate, at each level of the pipeline, provides us with essential clues and puts us in the right place to refine our action plan.

With this data, turning ideas into action becomes child's play, propelling us towards our deepest goals. This rigorous approach ensures that our forecasts, adjusted in line with the sales pipeline, are not only accurate, but also in perfect harmony with our lofty ambitions for growth.

Use software adapted to customer relationship management

As part of a customer relationship management strategy, the CRM tool is an indispensable weapon. It's much more than just a gadget, it's a pillar for collecting, analyzing and storing sales data. This super-tool transforms the fog of uncertainty into a clear path, offering a 360-degree view of every exchange and every opportunity. In short, CRM turns uncertainty into certainty.

Getting into sales forecasting with CRM as your ally is like having an experienced guide to navigate through the ocean of data. Each piece of processed information brings its own grain of salt, illuminating our path towards increasingly refined forecasts. In doing so, we have the means to actively shape the future, based on valuable information extracted directly from our analyses.

This approach enables us to make the link between what we do today and what we want to be tomorrow, ensuring that every step we take is perfectly aligned with our boldest growth ambitions.

Sales forecasting methods

Forecasting sales is a bit like juggling past, present and future in order to establish accurate estimates. This requires the mastery of a multidimensional approach, which enables us to cope with complexity while striving for the highest level of accuracy.

The model is the strategic step in deciphering and assembling the data from every customer interaction. By focusing on these tools and techniques, salespeople refine their sales tactics and divine market movements with frightening acuity, paving the way for refined management and optimized performance.

Here we've shown you how to calculate sales forecast calculation so you'll never make a mistake again!

Forecasts based on multiple variables

When we venture into sales forecasting by juggling several variables, we plunge into the heart of a universe made up of interconnected data. This journey leads us to decipher market trends, listen to customer feedback and examine the traces left by our past performance. It all comes together to draw a predictive map of what lies ahead.

One of the main techniques in this field is the extreme points method. This approach highlights the maximum and minimum values of a data set in order to capture the essence of the trend and build a bridge to future results.

By combining these multiple facets of information, we arrive at forecasts that don't just copy numbers. They provide an in-depth, nuanced analysis, offering us a rich and accurate insight into the potential gains on the horizon.

Sales funnel-based forecasts

The sales funnel, with its well-defined conversion stages, acts like a compass in sales forecasting. By analyzing the probability of conversion at each stage of the funnel, we can estimate future sales with sniper-like accuracy.

This approach relies on the finesse of rigorous data analysis and strategic vision, turning every choice into a masterstroke for accurate forecasts.

Implementing this tactic turns possibilities into certainties, propelling sales strategies to the top while improving overall company performance.

Using historical data to forecast future results

The past is an invaluable source of learning. Using the historical data method, past trends are studied to learn from every success and failure. The result is a solid foundation on which to build. This approach engages us in an ongoing dialogue with history, enabling companies to refine their sales forecasts with unparalleled acuity.

Common sales forecasting mistakes to avoid

When it comes to sales forecasting, every piece of data, every interaction, helps us to sketch out the shape of tomorrow. However, some common mistakes can compromise the accuracy of these forecasts.

By examining examples of sales forecasts, we quickly understand where things are going wrong and how to remedy the situation, making our forecasts more accurate and reliable. This constant fine-tuning is essential to ensure that our forecasts don't get out of hand, refining our plans of attack for the future.

Don't rely on data alone

Launching headlong into a sea of raw data, without taking the time to dig deeper, is like navigating in fog: it severely limits our ability to make effective sales forecasts. Relying solely on what's available or on basic extrapolations can easily lead to uncertain conclusions and ill-informed choices. That's why it's essential to have a method of analysis that doesn't just scratch the surface. It must explore the data in all directions, taking into account a multitude of factors that influence sales trends.

An in-depth analysis of the figures can reveal hidden trends and give us a much clearer vision of what's really moving the market. This analytical treasure hunt is essential if we are to anticipate precisely what tomorrow will bring, and adapt our sales strategies to these discoveries.

Do not adjust and rework forecasts

If you think of sales forecasts as a one-off offer, you're missing the point. The future is like an ever-flowing river, full of surprises and unexpected turns. Basically, it forces you to remain flexible and ready to move with the flow. Ignoring the need for periodic revisions is a bit like navigating with an obsolete map when making crucial strategic decisions.

This is when you need to be proactive, regularly reviewing and refining your forecasts to keep pace with the market. Being able to readjust and reinvent yourself is essential to staying in the race, with strategies that lose neither their edge nor their relevance.

Forecasting in isolation

Oh yes, we forgot to remind you of this essential little detail! Making sales forecasts alone, without listening to what others have to say, means missing out on a wealth of information. In fact, you're overlooking the potential of a collective approach. The objective? Play as a team, pooling everyone's knowledge and talents to give weight and depth to your sales forecasts.

By adopting this holistic vision, our forecasts are informed by a variety of viewpoints, capturing the essence of what makes our company, in all its diversity and complexity.

It's this approach that gives us a complete vision rooted in reality, reinforcing the accuracy and reliability of our sales forecasts. By fostering teamwork, every obstacle becomes a chance to grow, and every learning experience a step closer to success.

What if we took care of your sales forecasts?

At Modjo, accuracy isn't just a goal. But then, what is it exactly? It's a strategic imperative that shapes the success of your business. Our professional approach is characterized by rigorous data analysis, precise interpretation of market trends and judicious integration of customer feedback, to deliver projections that are not only reliable but also fully operational.

Modjo Deals is a revolutionary tool for optimal management of your sales pipelines. It's not just about managing data. Modjo Deals offers real-time visibility and advanced analytics thanks to artificial intelligence. Sales teams will be able to close more deals every quarter and make more accurate sales forecasts.

The key to success lies in accurate information and appropriate alerts, enabling sales reps to move serenely through the sales pipeline and calculate a reliable forecast. No more micromanagement and missed opportunities due to inappropriate follow-up or the absence of decision-makers in the process! With Modjo Deals, turn every interaction into a chance for sales success.