Commercial efficiency

X minimum reading

The 15 best productivity tools for 2024

1. What does corporate productivity (really) mean?

In order to understand what we are talking about, I suggest we go straight to the definition part:

OK, what is corporate productivity?

You've probably heard the term a thousand times, so it may seem a little abstract.

Generally speaking, sales productivity can be defined as the correlation between effort and the sales performance linked to that effort.

Improving business productivity means maximizing results while minimizing effort.

This includes reducing costs, optimizing the time spent on a task, or the Sales Enablement method we decipher here.

If we're talking about a reference in the field, we can quote Jason Jordan, consultant and expert in sales management, who considers sales productivity to be the result of combining effectiveness and efficiency. For him, effectiveness means doing a task well. Efficiency is getting things done faster.

Here are two good examples of how to quantitatively measure a team's sales productivity:

  • The number of new opportunities created and the ratio of time allocated to generating this data.
  • The number of sales meetings carried out, and the ratio of time allocated to triggering these meetings (cold calls, e-mails to the right contacts, organization of the meeting, etc.).

Now that we have the same basis in business productivity, we can answer the million question. πŸ‘‡

2. Why do you (concretely) need sales productivity tools?

Alarming observation: only 39% of a salesperson's of a salesperson's time is actually spent selling or interacting with prospects and customers!

What about the rest of the time?

The list goes on and on... Writing e-mails, entering data, managing day-to-day customer relations, updating the CRM, internal meetings (some of which clearly could have been done away with)... These are all tasks with which you are familiar, and which will certainly occupy your day in the blink of an eye.

And while some tasks are unavoidable, others can be automated to simplify your life and give you more time in your day to do what you're really meant to do: sell.

As proof, the most successful the most successful sales teams use on average 3 times more sales productivity tools than others. more than others.

By adopting the right tools, you and your team can :

  • Save time on tedious micro-tasks by automating them.
  • Approach the market in a more relevant and effective way.
  • Boost collective performance.

In short, enterprise productivity tools will help you save time and be more efficient at the same time.

3. How to evaluate and choose (the right) sales productivity tools?

Every sales team is different in terms of size, business sector and digital culture.

The right tools to adopt, the ones that will become part of your daily routine, can therefore vary from one team to another.

Start by studying your internal needs. A good way to gather this input is to organize a workshop to brainstorm as a team and share needs and ideas, or even launch an asynchronous survey.

A good way of approaching the subject is to ask yourself the following question, "What are you missing today in your daily life to achieve your goals?" Without immediately naming a tool, this will identify a need, a pain, a precise expectation.

Budget is another issue, even if most of the paid tools in our ranking are cost-effective: minimal investment for maximum time savings.

If a CRM tool is the well-known "must-have" for saving time and improving efficiency, the market today offers a myriad of SaaS(Software as a Service) tools designed to simplify your life, such as prospecting, note-taking or appointment scheduling. And we bet you won't be able to do without them once you've adopted them (if you haven't already).

Be careful not to fall into the trap of a tool for the sake of a tool, but if you have a need that can be met, investigate it while evaluating the possibilities the market has to offer.

4. 15 productivity tools to make your life easier

Because there are many tools available to perform specific tasks, and your time is precious, we've done the work for you with this selection of tools we're already using at Modjo. It's sure to be a game-changer for our sales teams!


πŸ‘‰ To optimize your time and productivity.


- RescueTime -

An intuitive, well-designed tool that lets you create your own time management dashboard and take back control of your organization. For truly productive concentration sessions.

It's like having your own productivity coach.

πŸ’‘ Productivity Tip: Customize your RescueTime according to your working hours and what's considered work. For example, spending 3 hours a day on LinkedIn should be normal for a BDR πŸ˜‰


- Toggle -

The time sheet of the future! An easy-to-use time-tracking and planning tool. An alternative to RescueTime.

πŸ’‘ Productivity tip: Use it to set a certain amount of time to allocate to your tasks by setting the stopwatch and checking it to see if you haven't exceeded the time allotted for the task. And then you optimize!


πŸ‘‰ Communicate smoothly and optimally, both internally and externally.

No surprises here! We've put our two favorite tools for conducting meetings on video or by telephone.


- Enlarge -

The toolof choice for Modjo's sales teams to organize HD meetings, but not only. We love Zoom because the company has developed numerous features to make remote meetings more collaborative. The plus over its main competitor: the ability to share your screen while continuing to see your interlocutors.

πŸ’‘ Productivity Tip: Invite participants or colleagues to meetings directly from the web browser. One click is all it takes to access the zoom.


- Aerial call -

The essential business telephony tool for creating value from your calls. At Modjo, Aircall has been adopted and approved: a real performance lever for the sales team, it enables us to combine efficiency and quality in our exchanges with prospects and customers.


Ps: Modjo is perfectly integrated with Aircall or Zoom. πŸ™„


πŸ‘‰ For tenfold collaboration and productivity.


- Notes en direct -

The intelligent note-taking application, for more performance and less administration.

We're not going to lie... Livenotes is our latest addition to the Modjo platform.

LiveNotes helps sales teams who want to automate administrative work, and managers who want to improve their teams' productivity by eliminating low-value-added tasks, while still having access to accurate, reliable CRM data.

LiveNotes lets you :

  • Simplify and improve the way you work. Take structured notes directly during your meetings and never lose important information.
  • Keep your CRM effortlessly up to date. Enrich your CRM instantly during meetings and save hours of administrative work.
  • You'll always be well supported at your appointments. Livenotes templates give you direct access to personalized sales support.
"The Livenotes is a bit of madness. With my teams, we save a lot of time on note-taking and proof-reading before closing. As a manager, I also use it to structure internal meetings, so as not to lose any of the value that comes out of them.


- Clasp -

How many meetings have you attended that could have been a simple e-mail? And yet, we know the dismay of being faced with a dense e-mail where every line can be a crucial piece of information! Problem solved with this collaborative platform for creating asynchronous videos. At Modjo, we use it regularly for briefs, and all the important information gets through. Claap is better than a meeting, without a meeting.

πŸ’‘ Productivity Tip: sign up for Claap to tackle complex topics to share with the team. Much more effective than pages and pages of playbook, for example.


- Sleeve -

We don't need to introduce it anymore - in our opinion, it's the best instant messaging tool around. Intuitive, easy to use, full of useful features (like asynchronous polling, for example). At Modjo, Slack has replaced internal e-mailing.


πŸ‘‰ For formidable sales intelligence and easier prospecting.


- Linkedin commercial browser -

To generate qualified leads and establish a relationship of trust with your prospects. A must in our opinion.


- Lead jet -

Small but mighty: this chrome extension released 2 years ago is a must-have for sales teams prospecting on Linkedin. Adding companies or contacts to your CRM while keeping your data clean and up-to-date has never been easier, with just a few clicks.

This French-made product will soon be your sales and operations team's best friend! We highly recommend it!


- Notion -

The ultimate collaborative workspace tool. Used by all Modjo teams, it not only enables you to collaborate effectively, but also to manage your personal organization by bringing all your information together in one place.


πŸ‘‰ To put an end to appointment scheduling.


- Calendar -

If you haven't adopted it (or an equivalent), then scanning is going to be a big problem! Otherwise, Calendly is a simple idea that will change your life.

No more endless "are you available? No ? What about that slot machine? etc.".
The tool automates appointment scheduling in relation to your personal calendar. It's a clear time-saver.


- Google Calendar, iCal and Outlook -

Smart agendas, synchronized with your mailbox, that keep all practical information in one place. We recommend that you specify the agenda in your invitations to meetings: a tip that makes for greater efficiency and clarity.


πŸ‘‰ For total control of your communications.


- Thank you -

Any doubts about spelling or syntax? Faster than the Bescherelle, Merciapp lets you check your messages for typos in real time.

We've just validated the tool within the sales team, and it makes all the difference! It saves time and credibility!


- And for English, we also have a few nuggets -

  • Grammairement pour la correction de vos emails de prospection sur le marchΓ© anglophone " Yes Sir! "
  • Thesaurus - The English synonym dictionary. The thesaurus allows you to vary your vocabulary and find the right word to convey the right idea.


And for smooth administrative management and easier closing, from your point of view as well as that of your prospects, there are some remarkable tools available today that will change your everyday life... A topic to keep an eye on on our blog!

5. Conclusion

The current offering of SaaS tools dedicated to optimizing sales productivity is therefore vast, and designed to adapt to the day-to-day problems faced by sales teams.

Fluid, easy-to-use and effective, once you've mastered them and integrated them into your habits, these tools will simplify your life and help you reach (or even exceed) your goals more quickly.

As you can see, the memo is entitled "Work smarter, not harder".


So, which tools caught your eye? Which ones will you adopt? We'd love to hear from you!

