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UpCoop launches a new offering and trains its sales force


Première solution d’IA dans la stack d’UpCoop


Adoptée à 100% par les managers et commerciaux UpCoop

“J'ai été rapidement convaincu de l'apport de la solution Modjo au sein de la coopérative car elle vient moderniser des vieilles pratiques commerciales qui étaient en place.”

David Soares, Directeur Commercial du marché TPME, UpCoop


UpCoop is an independent group, founded in 1964, which designs everyday solutions to improve the well-being and purchasing power of its employees. Its parent company is an internationally active cooperative with around 3,200 employees and 84,000 customers. Today, over 7.6 million employees and citizens use their products on a daily basis.

They chose Modjo to ensure the successful launch of their new offering by providing effective training for their sales force.

Formez efficacement ses équipes à une nouvelle offre

Before Modjo, to coach their sales reps, managers had to identify their sales reps' weaknesses and work with them on them among hundreds of customer interactions, which wasted an enormous amount of time.

Today, these key moments are identified by Modjo's AI thanks to automated call scoring, making it easier for teams to upgrade their skills. This saves managers a great deal of time, and is particularly valuable for the launch of their new offering.

David Soares, UpCoop's Sales Director for the SME market, now has "the guarantee that the right pitches and arguments are deployed nationwide and for all my sales teams."

Successful change management for unanimous adoption

UpCoop, with over 3,000 employees, was keen to respond effectively to all stakeholders' questions concerning the deployment of its first artificial intelligence tool.

To achieve this, Modjo's teams supported the project leaders in their internal discussions.

The result is a charter guaranteeing the anonymity and non-use by default of data collected by Modjo, signed by all employees.

”Ça a été adopté assez rapidement et facilement, puisque chacun a compris que l'objectif était la montée en compétences et, du coup, l'efficacité.”

Myriam Malandain, responsable des ventes au sein de la cible des TPME, UpCoop.

At the same time, as part of the tool's implementation, two Modjo key account managers are available to train teams and help them innovate their sales practices.

Thanks to this controlled project management, "adoption is complete: 100% of my sales staff and managers have been trained and use the tool on a daily basis", as David Soares testifies.

Who would you recommend Modjo to?

“Je l'ai déjà recommandé parce que c'est un outil qui est très simple à mettre en place et qui permet la montée en compétences rapide des collaborateurs. Nous sommes très bien accompagnés par l'équipe Modjo.”

Myriam Malandain, responsable des ventes au sein de la cible des TPME, UpCoop.

“Si vous souhaitez faire performer vos équipes commerciales, foncez.”

David Soares, directeur commercial du marché TPME, Upcoop.

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