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UpCoop successfully launched a new offering, thanks to effective sales training.




How has Modjo modernized UpCoop's sales practices?

"I quickly became convinced of the value of the Modjo solution to the cooperative, as it modernized the old business practices in place."

David Soares, Sales Director for the SME market, UpCoop

UpCoop is an independent group, founded in 1964, which designs everyday solutions to improve the well-being and purchasing power of its employees. Its parent company is an internationally active cooperative with around 3,200 employees and 84,000 customers. Today, over 7.6 million employees and citizens use their products on a daily basis.

They chose Modjo to ensure the successful launch of their new offering by providing effective training for their sales force.

Train your teams for a new offering

Before Modjo, to coach their sales reps, managers had to identify their sales reps' weak points and work with them to correct them over hundreds of customer interactions, wasting a huge amount of time.

Today, these key moments are identified by Modjo's AI thanks to automatic call scoring, making it easier for teams to upgrade their skills. This saves managers a lot of time, and is particularly useful for the launch of their new offer.

David Soares, Upcoop's Sales Director for the SME market, now has "the reassurance that the right sales pitches are being deployed across the country and for all my sales teams."

Successful change management for unanimous adoption

UpCoop, which has over 3,000 employees, was keen to respond effectively to questions from all stakeholders concerning the deployment of its first artificial intelligence tool.

To achieve this, Modjo's teams supported the project leaders in their internal discussions.

The result is a charter guaranteeing the anonymity and non-use by default of the data collected by Modjo, signed by all employees.

"It was adopted fairly quickly and easily, because everyone understood that the aim was to gain skills and, consequently, efficiency."

Myriam Malandain, Sales Manager for the SME target group.

At the same time, as part of the tool's implementation, two key accounts responsible for Modjo are available to train teams and help them innovate their sales practices.

Thanks to this controlled project management, "adoption is total: 100% of my sales staff and managers have been trained and use the tool on a daily basis", as David Soares testifies.

Who would you recommend Modjo to?

"I've already recommended it because it's a very easy tool to configure , and it allows employees to quickly get up to speed. We are very well supported by the Modjo team."

Myriam Malandain, Sales Director within the TPME target, UpCoop.
"If you want your sales teams to perform, go for it."

David Soares, Sales Director for the SMB market, UpCoop