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Tenacy doubles its conversion rate and accelerates sales integration




Find out how Tenacy increased sales and accelerated integration thanks to Modjo's solution.

"The first benefit we've seen since implementing Modjo is the improved performance of customer-facing teams, with conversion rates doubling."

Yann Goujon, Director of Operations and Sales Performance, Tenacy

Tenacy: what's it all about?

Tenacy is a cybersecurity management solution designed to give CISOs peace of mind and limit the impact of cyberattacks on their organizations.

Their main challenge is to become the European leader in cybersecurity. They chose Modjo to take their sales organization to the next level and achieve their growth objectives.

Significant improvement in sales performance

Before Modjo, Tenacy's activities were mainly driven by intuition and team feeling, which meant that the company was biased in defining its sales strategy.

Since implementing Modjo, Tenacy's sales department has had access to all interactions between customers and prospects, enabling them to reduce the risks associated with all their strategic choices based on the voice of the customer.

According to Yann Goujon, Director of Sales Operations and Performance at Tenacy , "they have seen a clear 'improvement' in sales team performance since the tool was deployed, with conversion rates doubling.

Significantly reduced integration time

Before Modjo, it took teams a long time to develop the skills of new sales staff: on average, it took a month to see the first results from a new recruit.

According to Florian Baron, Vice President of Sales at Tenacy, Modjo "now makes it possible to integrate any salesperson very quickly. On the one hand, managers have access to all customer interactions, enabling them to give targeted advice on areas for improvement identified by AI.

On the other hand, sales staff can easily access best practices and reproduce them in their next meetings.

As a result, integration at Tenacy has been cut from four weeks to less than a week per vendor, according to Florian Baron, Tenacy's Vice President of Sales.

A cross-functional solution adopted by pre-sales, CSM and product teams.

In addition to the sales team, all Tenacy teams have access to Modjo, which greatly facilitates communication between teams:

  • From pre-sales teams to Customer Success Managers, every team uses Modjo to facilitate the transfer of information on opportunities, enabling a smoother customer journey.
  • The product team has direct access to the voice of the customer, which, according to Yann Goujon, Director of Operations and Sales Performance at Tenacy, enables them "to obtain information to drive our roadmap forward".

Who would you recommend Modjo to?

"I recommend Modjo to all organizations looking to improve their teams' performance: today, all our teams, whether in sales, operations or product, can't do without the solution, and neither can I." Yann Goujon, Director of Operations and Sales Performance, Tenacy.