Drive your team to excellence with in-depth insights

Strengthen your sales execution and increase revenue by giving managers the visibility they need to effectively drive their teams with Modjo's AI.

Modjo AI platform for sales management
Used by +450 companies and +15,000 sales reps in Europe

Coach your sales team to success with Modjo


Our customers' conversion rates.


Time saved per salesperson per week.


Customer information stored in CRM

Improve the productivity of your sales teams

Sales people waste a lot of time on manual tasks with little added value.

Benefit from instant summaries and integrate this data automatically into the CRM. Your teams can prioritize sales and engage more effectively with their customers to close deals.

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Visual of the Modjo Summary feature dedicated to sales productivity
Screenshot of Modjo, the sales team coaching platform

Strengthen your coaching with global and individualized analyses

Traditional coaching methods are static and often disconnected from market reality.

Share best practices and the experience of your top perfomers, enabling individualized, scalable coaching that has a direct impact on overall team performance.

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Improve your pipe reviews with real-time data

Limit the risk of losing valuable opportunities due to false or missing data.

Modjo provides the right information at the right time, offering a complete view of the sales pipeline for informed decision-making and opportunities that convert.

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Screenshot of Modjo, the sales team coaching platform
Screenshot of Modjo, the sales team coaching platform

Effortlessly determine the performance of your sales methodology

Ensuring that your team is applying methodologies such as BANT, MEDDIC, SPICED, etc. can be difficult.

Analyze your large-scale sales interactions with AI Call Scoring and gain objective insight into how your methodology is being applied, then identify key areas for improvement.

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Why choose Modjo as your sales manager?

To ensure effective, personalized coaching.
To boost sales productivity.
For more efficient pipe reviews.
To maximize operational excellence.

They already use Modjo for their teams

Find out more about our users' quantified feedback and why the platform has already been adopted by +15,000 sales reps across Europe.

"We were looking to improve productivity and performance. [...] Thanks to Modjo, each person on my team saves around four hours a week, which is huge.

My team can concentrate on their main task: selling."

Fanny Lemaistre
Team Lead AM

"The solution allows me to align everyone's performance with that of the team's best salespeople.

Whether during onboarding or ongoing training, Modjo has become a must-have for Planity's sales teams."

Simon Bibas
Head of Inside Sales

"I measure the effectiveness and implementation of our qualification method automatically thanks to AI Call Scoring. [...] it works very well.

I can concentrate on the key coaching points to be implemented."

Charles Anouma
SDR Manager

Discover how Modjo is revolutionizing sales management

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